Saturday, August 27, 2016

Saturday, I took the girls to the mall

We had lunch in the foodcourt. Mandarin Express!

Then they rode up and down the escalators a million times. Cheap ride:)

Clairs is always a must stop shop for the girls! They got matching stretchy headbands with feathers, and friendship necklaces, and a cute water bottle.

Then Ellie and I sat in massage chairs while the girls rode the motorized stuffed animals around the mall. (Ellie was sore from her riding lessons that morning and I was sore from tennis... the season has begun and my first match is tomorrow!) The girls all had so much fun! We ended the day at the mall with a cookie from the Great American Cookie Company, and warm buttery pretzel nuggets! Then when we got home the girls wanted to go for another swim, so Keith took them to the pool!

Of course, no Birthday is complete without an ice-cream cake!!!

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