Monday, December 28, 2020

Life with brothers...

This cracks me up... reminds me of how Tyler, Alex, and Drew used to take the girls barbies and put their arms where their legs should be and maim them by tying them to the back of their bikes or skateboards and roughing them up, or burn them with the lighter. I know, boys are twisted! They used to do that to their army men too... like the kid in Toy Story that torchured the toys!


The deer love our new salt lick!!!


Christmas Eve and Day 2020!

Tyler and Emily slept over Christmas Eve! 
Alex and Erika went to Erika's parents and Drew and Hayley went to Hayley's parents!

After opening gifts and eating a big breakfast, we headed to Woodstock to spend Christmas Day with my family... My dad and sisters and their families. Unfortunately, Dawn and Brandy couldn't join us because Brandy had Covid.

Christmas night we came home, played backgammon and started working on Emma's new puzzle...


Emma went to see the winter solace with Chad and his family...


Emma had to get an endoscopy over Christmas break... turns out the source of her pain is H-pylori. She'll be on antibiotics for a month!

Emma, before endoscopy...

Emma, after endoscopy... she was feeling a little loopy and not making much sense, lol!

Ouch! She has an ouch in her lower abdomen!