Sunday, August 30, 2015

Emma's Birthday part 2

This weekend, Emma had Julia Trail sleep over for the second half of her Birthday. They went to the pool and had cupcakes and opened presents... We got Emma a mono fin to fit into her mermaid suit. A few dolphin kicks, and she was across the pool in no time. It was awesome!!! After dinner, she had an ice-cream cake. The next morning, we had some stuff in' muffins and the girls played monopoly. Julia's mom came by and picked up the girls and took them to see the movie, Minions. When Emma got home, she opened more gifts from Alex, Laurel, Drew, and Hayley. The girl is spoiled rotten!!!

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Random Act of Kindness

Drew and I went to the neighborhood courts to play tennis yesterday and look what we found... a tennis hopper! It was empty, but I had a bag of balls in my car that needed a hopper:). I keep hearing on the radio about spreading random acts of kindness. It's infectious... Makes you want to pay it forward and make someone else's day:))) 

Ellie's MBMS fast pitch softball team

Drew and Hayley (and Emma) helping Ellie practice for softball!

Lunch with some gals from my 3.0 18+ day team!

Anna, me, Amy, Correen

Emma's got a brand new bag!

Emma's $30.00 book bag that we got from Wal mart broke one week after we bought it. The school makes the girls carry home such a heavy load! So we returned it and bought her one from Pottery Barn online for only $34.00. It's only $4.00 more and they personalized it with her name. It's made of a thick canvas material, so I think this one will last. Ellie also got hers from there this year also because she couldn't find one that she liked at the stores.

Tyler and Alex played at an Alzheimer's facility

Emily posted this video along with these words on Facebook ...


"Not only do I have an amazingly kind hearted mom for putting so much love into people that are often overlooked but a husband and brother-in-law that are just as sweet to share their awesome talent with these sweet ladies at an alzhiemer's facilty. Proud family moment!!"

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Emma's 10th Birthday (part 1)

For years now, the Kreibhal girls and our girls have been celebrating their birthday's together. Emma wanted them to go bowling this year. They only wanted to bowl 1 game, then they wanted to play a few games in the game room. After that, we took our gift's and cupcakes in an empty party room. (I know, I'm cheap:) I gave the girls goodie bags with candy, silly putty and trinkets. Between that and playing the monopoly game Emma got for her Birthday, they entertained themselves for a few hours! Part 2 happens next weekend... Emma wants a friend from school to come for a sleep over.