Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Ellie's softball warm up before a game!

That's Ellie with her hand in the air catching a fly ball:)

The girls look sharp in their uniforms! Ellie got hit in the ribs by a fast pitch softball the other day. She was very brave about it, but said it hurt like heck!!! The next few days she was pretty bruised!

Monday, August 25, 2014

Fun weekend:)

High Shoals Elementary School Movie Night on Friday

Softball game on Saturday

Tennis and Mani/Pedi's on Sunday

Look what we saw in our tree...

The crows started squawking and flying around in a frenzy! We looked up and saw a giant bird perched up in our tree. Pretty awesome sight! We were a bit worried it might carry off Marge.

We looked it up online, pretty sure it's a hawk!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Maggie's Wonder Woman Birthday party!

Lt to Rt: Jeannie, Brandy, Mom, Me, Natalie, Dawn

Pink Lady Lunch

Some of the women on my tennis team (The Pink Ladies) went to lunch after practice this week. We went to the Krimson Cafe (a little artsy fartsy dive that sells delicious deli foods). There is local art hanging all over the walls that you can purchase.  I was taking this picture of some of my team mates when I backed into a picture and almost knocked it off the wall. I turned around to check the price tag and it was over $900.00!!! I had to get a picture of it. Check it out up at the top... What pops in your head when you look at this picture??? Here's a few thoughts that went through my mind...  

"My, what big eyes you have",  said little red riding hood. 

Hmmm, thyroid problem???

If that sells for $900.00, I'm going to become an artist cuz dang!!!

Is that Tori Spelling on the right???

Kat came in town!


Kat played softball for years and was an all star player! She was giving Ellie some tips!


Emma faking scared of heights;)

There is a playground right next to the field where Ellie plays and practices softball. It's great... I can sit at a picnic table and keep an eye on both Emma and Ellie!