Friday, April 25, 2014

Tennis, tennis, and more tennis...

The top picture was from a week long tennis boot camp we had this winter. This isn't my team, it's all levels of players. The other pictures were from tennis drills today. One of the players that's out because of surgery came to watch... she took several pictures. This isn't my team either, just the group I was recently invited to do drills with. They are actually more advanced than me. The girl beside me has been playing 10 years. This drill group is really challenging! I love it! At the practices we laugh and cut up so much! I played 2.5 my first season, next season our team is playing 3.0! We have the summer to take our game up! Our coach said she's tossing us in the deepend and hoping we won't drown. HAHAHA, Her confidence in us is very reassuring:)

Emma, exhausted after her run one day:)

Amy sent me this picture from her iPhone. Emma was exhausted after her run and layed down in Amy's driveway. Jameson had sympathy pains for her and layed down beside her. Then Belina, their dog, tried to revive her!!!

Girls on run!!!

The girls decided to run with me on Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays this summer. I'm slowly working them toward a 30 minute run. Only 4 weeks of school left. Right now, I get my run done in the morning while they're at school, then I run with them at their pace/time after school. They are starting with a 10 minute run and slowly working their way up. Ellie has longer legs and is almost 4 years older, so she can go a little farther and faster, so now I split them up and run with each of them. They are doing amazingly well! 

Peppino's Pizza! YUM!!!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Laurel Holland is graduating from UGA!!!

So proud of Alex's girlfriend, Laurel! She will graduate from UGA on May 9th! She is such a sweet, smart, and talented young lady!!! As she was getting her degree, which only took her 4 years, she worked for the Red and Black (school newspaper) as well as a few seasonal jobs on the side. She also volunteered for the Big Sister program in Athens, and was even the president of a national interior design club. Don't know where she finds the time??? This past summer, she traveled to Europe to study abroad. She has worked hard and earned her degree in Interior Design!!!