Wednesday, August 26, 2020

When it rains, it pours!!!

The week before my girls' trip to Boji, we had our carpet replaced. We've lived here 16 years and things are beginning to wear out. We had to move everything out of the bedrooms, closets, and bonus room, so I left town with my house upside down. The week we ordered new carpet, our roof started to leak. We had 3 places on our roof that needed major repair. So we had our roof repaired the same week we got our carpet replaced. The day I returned from my trip I was prepared to dive in the mess I left and put everything back. What I wasn't prepared for was the hot water heater breaking and leaking all over the garage, and my refrigerator going out the same day. When it rains it pours! I know, these are all 3rd world problems, but when everything calapses at once, it can be a bit overwhelming. On the bright side, Tyler's a plumber, so he was able to help us install a new hot water heater, which saved us a bundle! 

Found this refrigerator on FaceBook Market Place to replace the one that went out in the garage.
We got it for $100.00.

We're taking our time going through everything and having a little bit of fun sifting through all the stuff we've accumulated over the years. Even shedding a few tears here and there as we say goodbye to some things. I've lost count of how many trips to the goodwill and the dump that we've made. Keith cleaned out 1/4 of the garage today and it took him all day. This will be an ongoing project this year, but we are gonna go through every drawer, cabinet, closet, garage, attic, and clean out!

Girls Trip Lake Okoboji 2020!

Emma - 9th grade picture day!


Got new carpet put in the 2 downstairs bedrooms and entire upstairs... It's about time!

I moved my desk in front of the window instead of against the wall beside the armoir.


Monday, August 17, 2020

Tyler and Alex saved a hawk!

Yesterday Tyler and Alex saved a hawk at Botanical Gardens. Someone left a fishing line in a tree with a hook in it and the hawk got the hook stuck in his wing. Emily, who is terrified of birds, actually led them to the rescue. Ty and Alex put a blanket over the hawk and put it in a container and took it to the vet. Tyler said the poor guy was so tired and distressed that he didn't even put up a fight. He said it felt like the hawk knew they were there to help him.

My kids have big hearts when it comes to nature and animals. Tyler's boss told me that the other day. He said, when Tyler works at the golf course, he begs him not to kill the foxes. Tom wants to put out rat poison to get rid of the foxes. I remember another job Tyler had when the guy filled a trashcan with water and drowned an opossum. He begged to let him take him far away into the woods. The guy wouldn't let him. Tyler quit that day. He was so heartbroken and upset. He said, nature and life are beautiful and we humans screw it up! 

We were texting last night and Tyler said, people think because we're the most intelligent species, we have a right to control the ecosystem. But he feels like if we are the most intelligent species, then we have an obligation to take care of it and protect it.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

While cleaning out closets I found a photo of me in elementary school wearing the Raggedy Ann Dress my mom made me and my senior portrait...


We've lived in our house in Athens for 16 years and decided to replace the carpet in the entire house. Didn't realize it would be like moving... But perfect opportunity to let go and purge!

Overwhelming, but when you live in a place for 16 years, you don't realize how much you've accumulated with 5 children. This is just the stuff in the closets and drawers. Haven't even moved the furniture out of the rooms yet! Nothing is going back until we sift through it. Only if we absolutely love it, can we keep it, otherwise we will donate it and let others enjoy it!