Friday, November 23, 2012

Thanksgiving is over... on to Christmas!

After our wonderful Thanksgiving yesterday, I slouched down in my comfy chair and began scanning the Black Friday ads online. Then what to my wondering eyes should appear, but Black Friday starts on Thursday this year (and at 8 pm)! So I tucked the kids in bed, then slipped into my comfortable sweats and put on my running shoes and dashed out to fight the crowds. I finally got home around 2:30 am, totally wiped out, but with a smile on my face. I have to say, while the girls are young and so specific about what they want, though chaotic, the Black Friday sales are worth it. (Plus, I kind of enjoy the crazy excitement). 

This morning I met some of the ladies in my neighborhood to decorate the entrance of the subdivision. The same group of us do it every year and have so much fun! We just got a new Lane Creek sign last year and the decorations really look beautiful against the stacked stone. 

Keith had to work today, so while I was decorating the entrance, the boys hung out with the girls and fed them lunch. The girls had a pajama day and played barbies all day long. They only had 2 little accidents... Emma got into her Halloween candy and accidently spilled fun dip on the carpet in her room. It's basically powdered Kool-aid. She got scared and tried to clean it up with some water, which of course made green kool-aid stains on her bedroom rug. Less than an hour after cleaning that up, the girls spilled honey mustard on the bonus room carpet. Mustard and kool-aide stains, my favorite!

I was already tired and my patience was running thin, but I was pretty amazed at my self control. At least I thought I was handling it well until Emma said, "Mommy, are you, ya know, PSM?" I said, "You mean PMSing?" She said, "Yeah, you know, like what you read to us in the American Girl Body book." I had to bite my tongue til the blood ran down my throat.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving Day 2012

Mr. and Mrs. Bush dropped by to bring the girls a Thanksgiving surprise!

My precious niece Kalen, who is in school to be chef, prepared most of this magnificent Thanksgiving meal!

My handsome husband stayed up most of the night thawing the turkey... While thawing, you have to change the water every 30 minutes. He misread the directions and thought it took 30 minutes to thaw instead of 30 minutes per pound...

Sweet Nana, Keith's grandmother, recently celebrated her 95th Birthday!

My beautiful mother-in-law recently had some surgery on her hand.

Crazy cousins!

This is the day for football and the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade!

Yes Spud, you captured perfectly, that after Thanksgiving feeling!

My favorite part of Thanksgiving, the "girl chat" while the guys sleep!

Tyler and Alex getting ready to play a little game of Pre-Thanksgiving golf!