Sunday, September 13, 2009

Nicholson family reunion

We got together with Keith's family this weekend. I've been wanting to post some pictures of them since I started this blog, but last fall was rough for the Nicholson clan. Keith's dad was in the hospital and it was a very scary time for us all. He's been on a long road to recovery and is doing really well. Many prayers were answered and we are all so grateful for his health! Anyway, we went to Keith's sister Lisa and her husband Darren's house Saturday. Their daughter Kaylen cooked all the food. This amazing young girl will become a chef one day. The food was incredible. I asked for the recipe's and when I saw all the ingredients and all the work that went into them, I decided that I'll stick with my 3 ingrediant recipe's. I may hire her to cater Tyler and Emily's rehearsal dinner, she's that good!!! We also got to spend time with Keith's mom and dad and Keith's grandmother, Nana. Keith's aunt and uncle dropped by too. We always have so much fun together. They are the easiest people in the world to be around and conversation always flows. It always ends too quickly and we wonder why we don't see each other more often. All of our lives are so busy, but with all that's happened this year between Keith's dad's illness and us almost moving to Mississippi, we decided that we will set aside time for what's most important... the people we love.

Get together with Keith's family