Sunday, September 11, 2011

We had to cut down a few trees in our backyard, thank goodness for the fire pit!

Video: Emma, taking another shot at learning to ride her bike!

Hmmm, Maybe she's not quite ready yet???



We took the girls to the North Oconee game on Friday night. That's what everyone does in a small town on Friday nights... they all go to the high school games. It was a chilly night and fall was in the air. We went out for pizza and ice cream before the game. Lots of people were in town for the UGA game. You could feel the energy and excitement. College towns are so much fun in the fall... except for black Sundays, the day after we lose a game... quite a different feel.

Drew's herb garden coming along...

Friday, September 2, 2011

Rough day for Emma...

Poor Emma had a rotten day...  Her and Ellie were supposed to ride the bus home with their friends today. Ellie and Laurel are friends at school and Emma and Laurel's sister, Julia, have class together this year. I wrote a note for each of the girls to ride the bus home with the Thomas girls, but somehow Emma's note got overlooked. Emma was very upset when her teacher put her on the bus. She kept insisting that she was supposed to ride home with a friend. She was put on the bus anyway. The bus driver called the school and had them call me. I was out running errands, but was able to make it home just in time for the bus. Thank goodness the bus driver listened to Emma because my little girl would have gotten off the bus to an empty house! It took Emma a good half hour to calm down. She still wanted to go to her friend's house, so I took her over there. Later, after I picked up the girls and we drove home, I was getting Emma out of the car and accidently slammed her finger in the door. OUCH!!!! Some days don't just just feel like the "forces" are against you???

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Update on the boys...

Tyler just got a part-time job with UGA working in a division that will give him some hands-on experience with his major. The guy told Tyler it could lead to a full-time position after he graduates. Tyler's thrilled to get this opportunity! He'll graduate after this semester, but if he gets offered a full-time job there and decides to get a double major (which he's been considering... environmental economics) or get his masters, his education will be free! He's been working about 30 hours a week at the golf course here in the neighborhood and really loves his boss. He hated having to quit on him, but told him he needed to take this other job at UGA and offered to train his brother Drew to take over his position. Drew will be going to work with Tyler tomorrow. This will be great for Drew if it works out because Drew loves to work outdoors and since he moved back home, he'll literally be walking distance from work.
Alex changed his major from Sports Management to Business (at least for today). GSC offers more business classes than Sports Management classes, so Alex will be able to take classes at GSC all year and won't have to transfer to UGA until fall of 2012. I say, take all the classes you can from a junior college and enjoy the smaller class size and cheaper tuition, then get your degree from a major university. Hmmm, seems like since Alex has been dating Laurel, he's been pretty serious about his grades and finishing school...  (just sayin').

Emma's 6th Birthday!