Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Ellie's First Violin Lesson

Ellie had her first violin lesson today. She's already behind 4 lessons since we found out about the UGA Strings Project a little late. The master violinist gave Ellie her very own teacher today for a private lesson to catch her up with the rest of the class. While Ellie was practicing, I, of coarse, was reading a book/eves dropping... The teacher asked Ellie the names of all the different parts of the violin. To my jaw-dropping amazement, Ellie answered almost every question correctly! (How the heck does she know that???) The teacher said. "Very good Ellie, I can tell you're familiar with the violin." (Nope, this is her first exposure to the violin or any instrument for that matter.) The teacher said, "Any questions?" I raised my hand and said, "How did you know all that Ellie?" She said, "I read it in the music book yesterday." She just got the violin and the music book yesterday! She for some reason has been drawn to violin music. I was changing the radio station one day and she screamed, "STOP!" I said, "You want to hear this?" It was orchestra music. She loved it! Then I got this CD called, The 12 Chinese Girls' Band. She loves it and it's all string instruments. I don't know how well she'll be able to play yet, but she sure has an appreciation for orchestra music. As for her lesson today, she absolutely loved it!
Emma played with her stuffed animal while watching Ellie do her lesson. I said, "Emma, what do you think? Do you want to play the violin too?" She said, "Na, I'll just take karate so I can beat up my brothers." That's my girl!!! We're all soooooo different, isn't it awesome!!!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Chinese Moon Festival - Emma with Fei and Ray (Ellie was sick)

I know it's been a while...

Last weekend, the Sires (close friends of ours from our old neighborhood) came to visit. Suzanne came Thursday through Sunday, and Charlie and Nathan came down and spent the night on Friday, then hung out and watched the game with us on Saturday. We had a great visit! Unfortunately Emma was sick all weekend with croop and a stomach virus. On Saturday morning, I wiped out coming down my steps. Just call me grace! (Natalie, I know you will laugh your head off when you read this. You're sick like me. It's hilarious when other people fall, but don't you dare laugh at me!) I had on flat sandles, but they were slick on the bottom. I was even holding on tight to the rail because I know how slippery they are. The whole left side of my hip is black and blue. I've decided I'm gonna stick to rubber flip flops and tennis shoes from now on.
This weekend we had a garage sale with our friends and neighbors, the Schacon's. We both sold our big items, but since we didn't get it in the paper in time, we didn't get much traffic. So we're having it again next weekend. I can't stand having such a messy garage, I'm ready to get it cleaned out!
Poor Ellie has been sick this weekend. She started running a fever on Saturday. The girls were supposed to go to the Chinese Moon Festival at UGA with Fei and Ray today, but since Ellie's sick, they had to go without her. Emma looked so cute in her little traditional silk chinese dress.
I recently found out that there is something called the UGA String Project. Ellie has been asking to take violin lessons for years, but by the time you pay for the lessons and rent the instrument, it's so expensive. I told her she'd have to wait til she's in middle school when she could take orchestra for free. But now that I found this program, she doesn't have to wait. It's $80.00 for a whole semester. They offer 2 one hour lessons per week. It averages out to be $3.00 per lesson. They said they normally don't take children til they're 7 years old, but said they would accept Emma. I think I'm gonna just take her to watch Ellie this semester though and we'll see how interested sh
e is.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Tyler's haircut... by mom! Not too bad...

The Moth

This morning on the way to school, there was a tiny moth in the car. Emma freaked! I tried to calm her, but she was flipping out and I had to pull over. She has a tremendous phobia of any kind of bug! After I got the moth out, I was able to hug her and calm her down and the rest of the way to school I told her how that sweet little moth just wanted to show you his pretty new wings.
Tonight while I was making dinner a big moth was in the kitchen. Emma started to scream when Keith came in the kitchen and picked it up and said, "Look, he won't hurt you. He's tickling my fingers." Keith was holding one wing and that poor little moth was flapping the other as hard as he could to try and get away. He said, "Anybody want to touch it?" Ellie said, "I do! Oh, that tickles!" Then I said, "Let me! Oh, that does tickle!" Then Emma got up her nerve and touched it real quick like. She smiled and said, "I'm so brave mommy!" Keith even put the moth up to his eyelashes and gave it butterfly kisses. The girls thought that was hilarious. Then we all gave each other butterfly kisses. Touching that moth was a huge step for Emma. At dinner, that's all she talked about!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Interesting little talk on the way to school!

I gotta write this before I forget it. This morning after I dropped Ellie off at school, Emma and I were on the way to her school. She said, "I had a dream last night mom". I said, "Really, tell me about it." She said, "I dreamed about a boy. He was very nice and very fansome." (I think the word she was searching for was handsome). I said, "Really?" She said, "Yes, and I was feeling nervous, you know, shy." Then she said, "blue white blue white blue white, that's a pattern you know. His shirt was blue white all the way down." Then she said, "Orange white orange white orange white... that's a pattern too. Henry wears an orange white shirt every day. He's not really that fansome though." Then she said, "Freddie and Carly kissed on I-Carly." I said, "You are too little to kiss boys. You can be friends with boys, but you can't date until you're 16. I-Carly is 16." She said, "Well Ellie has a crush on a boy." I said, "Ellie can't date til she's 16 either." "Hmmm" she said, "Did you tell her that?" I said, "Yep!" Raising little girls is certainly different from raising little boys. I don't remember having these conversations with my boys.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Weekend in Marietta

We went to Marietta this weekend to celebrate my nephew, Matt, and Lindsey's upcoming wedding. The girls took Lindsey to the Cheesecake Factory for a shower, while the guys took Matt to sidelines for a bachelor party. Then we all came back to Dawn and Tom's for a swim and dinner. It was great. We spent the night, then headed back Sunday.
I had promised Emma I would help her ride a two-wheeler, so this afternoon we gave it a try. I'm not sure she's quite ready yet. She was pretty terrified. She likes the idea, but did not enjoy the learning process. We tried just coasting down the slight hill in our cul de sac. I told her to put her feet out and try to balance. Then if she tilts too far to one side, she can just put her feet down. Then we tried her peddling and me running alongside her. Whew! It was exhausting. She said, "Mommy, I think I need to grow a little more first.'
While we were in Marietta, Emma and Ellie slept on a pallet at the foot of our bed. Emma woke up several times throughout the night with night terrors. She looked awake, but was asleep. She didn't remember any of it the next day. I wondered if she did it because she was out of her element and in a strange place, or if she does it more often and we're just unaware because we can't hear her from our bedroom. She's been having nightmares at nap time at school and she remembers those. I think since she started pre-k, the structured environment has triggered some memories of her life in the orphanage. She remembers some very specific details. Also, she's gone back to studying my face again trying to read my expressions. Then when I look at her she touches my face and smiles and sort of coos trying to make me smile, wanting me to reassure her that I'm pleased with her. Then she'll hug me and say, "I love you mommy." I know it sounds weird, but she's extremely hypervigulant about my moods and constantly needs to be reassured. The other day she said, "Mommy, when I don't obey, you tell me, 'No Emma', then you're happy again." I told her that it's a mommy and daddy's job to teach and correct their children, but we never stop loving them no matter what they do. I think somewhere deep in her little mind she fears abandonment so she needs to keep checking to make sure we're happy with her and will never leave her. No matter how much we try to show it or say it, I guess only time will make her believe it.

Emma learning to ride a two-wheeler

Bachelor Party / Wedding Shower for Matt and Lindsey!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Labor Day Weekend!

We had a busy, but great weekend! The deck was finished just in time. Alex came home from school this weekend and brought a friend. We helped some friends move Friday and Saturday and then Keith and I did some yard work on Sunday. Monday morning, George and Helen Bushe came over for a "tea party". Mrs. Bushe brought a Southern Belle doll that her grandchildren had outgrown and asked if the doll could live with us now. The girls were thrilled and "Belle" joined us for our tea party.
Then later that afternoon, after Tyler and Emily got back from a weekend trip with Emily's family, they came over for a bite to eat and we all hung out on the deck. They brought their wedding album for us to see. It's finally complete. It is stunning! I cried when I looked at it. I guess that's not saying much because I am quite the crier. But really, it was breathtaking. As we sat on the deck with the most perfect breeze, Tyler and Alex played their guitars and sang for us. It was a wonderful way to end our holiday weekend.