Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Nick moved to Tennessee

Nick left for Tennessee this morning. Boo hoo hoo! He will be sorely missed. Elizabeth is riding with him and then coming back on the greyhound bus. When she gets back she'll be moving in with her grandmother. At least she won't be too far away.
When I was driving Emma to school this morning she was being very negative. It started with...
my tag is itchy, then I'm hot,then these tennis shoes make my feet sweaty, then I'm cold. I said, Emma, let's don't talk about all the things we don't like, let's talk about all the things we like... I'll go first. I said, "I'm so thankful that we get to ride to school in a car and don't have to walk all this looooooong way." Then she turned hers into a prayer and said (kind of pouty), "Thank you God that we get to ride to school." I said, "No, you say something different, that was mine." Then she said, "God, please watch over Nick when he's out of town, I love him soooo much God." Hmmm, was she really hot and then cold? Did her tag really itch her and her tennis shoes really make her feet sweat? Or was there something else that was bothering her and the only way she could express her uneasiness was to complain about being uncomfortable physically. It's funny how we often grumble and complain about many things when they aren't really the issue. Sometimes it takes us taking time out to pray to get to the heart of the matter and deal with what's really gnawing at us.
Nick and Elizabeth have become part of the family. God knew exactly what we all needed. I remember when we adopted the girls; our first thought was to help someone in need. We thought, there's someone in need and we have been given plenty, let's share. God always seems to turn the tables on us and show us it was us who needed them.

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