Tuesday, August 1, 2017


Girls had "meet and greet" on Monday. They are excited about starting school tomorrow! Emma will be starting middle school and Ellie will be in 10th grade. They had one last hoopla at a waterpark with the Grimm's before school starts! 

My friend Kat is coming to visit this week. Haven't seen her in a while. We are excited! Then next week, mom and dad will be coming in town to help Keith with the kids because I have 2 state tournaments in Augusta next weekend. Both my mixed doubles teams made it to state!!!

I have a few more lessons tomorrow and then I'm done teaching swim lessons for the summer and will begin teaching tennis lessons 2 days a week. I also have a decorating client that I'm still working with. We are tackling her house 1 room at a time! After I get back from state, I have my first board meeting with Children First. I'm excited about meeting everyone on the board and finding out more about the projects they've been working on.

Fall tennis season starts after Labor Day. I'm only going to be on 4 teams this season. I'm going to be captaining one of the teams. I've co-captained a several seasons, but never wanted the responsibility (or drama) of being the captain. Thankfully, I have a co-captain who is great at handling all the details, so it shouldn't be a big deal, right???

Keith is loving his new position working only 4 days a week without all the stress in the field. He also continues to enjoy his guitar lessons. I really love it to! The music he plays is so relaxing. I feel like I have a private concert every night while I make dinner! Even Marge loves it. When she hears him play, she jumps up right beside him and chills out!

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