Sunday, August 7, 2011

Ellie's Cool Club 2011

Ellie decided it was time for her "Cool Club" again today, so her and Emma made signs, as usual, and posted them all around the house. They made passes that you "had to have" or you couldn't get in. Alex, his girlfriend Laurel, Emma, and I got the lucky passes. (Ellie even made passes for Buster and Spud). Our first activity was to make a cool club sign, like the one's hanging all over the house. The best one won. Believe it or not, we all won! Next we played 3 games, Catch Phrase, Hullabaloo, and Scrabble Slam. For our first game, Catch Phrase, Emma and I teamed up against Alex and Laurel (Ellie was the MC).  Emma and I won, Yippee! When we played Hullabaloo, Emma won every single time. If you win you have to do a funky dance. I should have gotten it on video because Emma's dances were hilarious! For our final game, Scrabble Slam, Emma and I teamed up again (since she can't spell yet) and won yet again! Woo Hoo!

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