Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Back to school...

Well, the girls went to meet and greet yesterday and both got fantabulous teachers!!! They were both so excited this morning. Not even a single tear... I have to say, I'm pretty proud of myself. They both hopped out of the car all smiles and waved goodbye, then turned around and held hands and walked right into the building. Ellie told Emma she'd walk her to class. They are so excited about going to the same school this year. Ellie's in 4th and Emma's in Kindergarden. I drop them off in the morning and they ride the bus in the afternoon. This will be Emma's first bus ride. She is over the top about it!

Tyler and Alex start classes next week. This is Tyler's final semester at UGA. He will be graduating with a degree in Agricultural Economics. This will be Alex's last semester at Gainesville. In the spring he'll transfer to UGA. He's finally picked a major... Sports Management. Alex still has his job at the parks and rec for the 4th year in a row, which is good experience for his major.

Drew and I have recently begun taking some online courses in sign language. Drew's also interested in landscaping and horticulture and has been trying to get his foot in the door at the Athens Botanical Gardens. He just took a 4 hour work readiness program and scored gold in every category!

Emily started back to work teaching with Miss Evelyn. They have a lot of young newbies this year, so it will be a challenge. Emily seems to love it though. She has the perfect amount of firmness and compassion for the job. Tyler got a job at the golf coarse while he's finishing up his last semester. (Keith says, yippee, free golf!) Tyler and Emily both have a part-time job teaching a children's class on Wednesday nights at the church down the street. They are both keeping pretty busy.

Well, that's the latest on all the kids! Hmmm... With all the kids back in school, the house is so quiet... Ahhhhh...

Meet and Greet

1st day of school

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