Monday, August 15, 2016

Sires came over this weekend!!!

Sometimes the best weekends are when you just chill out and don't plan anything... Sires came out on Saturday afternoon for an overnight. Suzanne, me, and the girls went for a golf cart ride while the guys stayed back and watched ESPN/Olympics/FX/Netflix... whatever guys watch??? Later we grilled out yummy burgers and ate out on the deck. After dinner, we took the golf cart to the course and spread out a blanket and looked at the stars. 

Sunday morning we had breakfast on the deck and enjoyed Emma and Daniel's show. They verbally sparred back and forth with their witty, smart alec, "Yo mama" jokes. (These kids are not just quick, but smart" They knew their mama's were sitting right there, so they made them "Yo" jokes!) For example... "Yo teeth are so yellow, I can't believe they're not butter!" "Yo so stupid, you tried to climb Mountain Dew!" This back and forth just went on and on and had us in tears! We stayed in our p.j.'s and chilled out most of the morning. We played rummy cub over coffee and watched movies. (We basically pretended we were at the beach.)  Suzanne and I finally got dressed and took the golf cart to the back of the neighborhood and walked through the new houses being built. Always fun to dream! Before we knew it, our short weekend was over... Spur of the moment weekends are the best!!!

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