Sunday, December 11, 2016

Here's what's been happening around here lately...

Ellie was sick this week and had to got to the doctor. Unfortunately, even though she has all A's, she wasn't able to exempt her exams because she missed 3 days of school... (she even had a doctors excuse! Doesn't seem quite fair.) She got over her cough and sore throat by the end of the week and was able to attend her Lit club party. Then Saturday, she went to see "Fantastic Beasts" with her friend, Laurel, while Emma went to see her friend Abby perform "Singing in the Rain" at the Oconee Playhouse. Sunday night, Ellie and Ben went iceskating in Athens. Girls are getting to that social age. Seems like I'm in the car 90 percent of the time carting them around. Unfortunately, my car started making strange sounds and the heater went out, so we had to drop it off at the mechanics. As they say, 1st world problems:)))

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