Thursday, April 14, 2016

Ellie's softball game...

It's softball season and Ellie has 3 games this week on school nights. This one was quite a ways away. We didn't get home until 10:00. Then girls had to shower. Softball season is crazy. The games are mostly held on school nights and disrupt dinner, homework, and sleep schedules. Many of the games are close to an hour away. Ellie may have to pick a new sport... She is quite a hustler on the field. Maybe she should take up track, lol. Enough of my rant... 

Aunt Betty's in town visiting! Keith's been traveling and I have terrible night blindness, so Betty drove us to the game. We got there early for Ellie's warmup, so Emma and I played tennis. Betty texted us when the game started. We watched the game from the outfield and put a blanket down in the grass and had a picnic. Ruby, Betty's dog, slipped away from us and somehow found a way inside the fence. She was running around the field and the umpire had to stop the game! The outfielders were chasing Ruby trying to catch her. Lol... making memories! 

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