Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Week 5 with AB

 Things are looking up. Just got her out of hospital today and checked into rehab facility. She is doing great for having surgery to pot her hip back in socket and a broken pelvis. I will meet with aging and disability Councel tomorrow before heading home!

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Stealing Hayley’s Facebook post, lol!


Rotation number 5 with AB in TN

 Bless her heart! What a journey… We decided to get a second opinion because her ortho just kept giving her steroid shots for the pain, but not addressing the cause of pain. She hasn’t had an x-Ray in 4 years and when we got a second opinion, the first thing they did was x-Ray her. Turns out her hip was out of the socket, hence, the giant bone protruding from her hip. And she also had a broken pelvis. They got her in surgery by the next morning and she is feeling so much relief! Poor thing has been bedridden for months.

It amazes me that with all she has gone through, she remains so positive! All the nurses and staff adore her!!!❤️❤️❤️

On my run in St Marlo today…


Thursday, March 6, 2025

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Last night the whole family went to Mellow Mushroom for pizza and then to see Athens hockey team, Rock Lobsters!

 It was such a blast!!! That was my first time seeing a hockey game live! We saw 2 fights, lol. We are gonna make that an annual Nicholson family event. Keith and Kristen were in St. Augustine. They’ll have to join us next year!

Fights were almost encouraged and the refs let them go at it unless someone was about to get hurt! lol, then they would have to go in “time out”, the penalty box! At one point we had 4 or 5 of our players in time out and one of their players in time out, so we had 3 of our players against 8 of theirs. We ended up winning 4-2, but it was close until the very end!

And Scott finally got to meet Pier. He kept saying he couldn’t believe how tiny she is and of course how cute she is! She really is quite a beautiful baby! Her eyes just keep getting lighter blue, so I’m pretty sure the blue eyes are gonna stick!
Every time I hold her, it gets harder to let her go! I’m smitten!