Tuesday, June 27, 2023

My boss Stacey retired after 36 years. We threw a retirement party to honor her and her sidekick, Genaro!

I was in charge of putting together the slideshow. I could have never done it without the help of Ellie!

Jeannie and I went to visit netty and Jen and Cathie this weekend!

Jeannie and I went to visit my Aunt Betty to celebrate her 80th Birthday! We had a wonderful visit with her best friend Jen, and cousin Mark, and Cathy, Rob, and her grandsons Jake and Shaw! Her son, my cousin, Trey recently transitioned to the other side of the veil, so it was a bittersweet visit. Rob and Cathy threw a party for Betty and Rob made a beautiful handcrafted urn for Trey’s ashes.💕💕💕

Thursday, June 8, 2023

Wednesday is Trivia Night at Lane Creek!

 Our table took home 3rd place!

Lol, there were only 4 tables! Afterwards, me, Faith Wesley and Emma played some tennis! Fun night! Friday nights are karaoke nights at the LC Clubhouse!

Thursday, June 1, 2023

Ellie is in Florence, Italy and her next stop is Rome…

 She took a video of a violinist playing in the streets at night as couples walked by! It looked so romantic!

Ellie is in Rome now… Drink(s) on the rooftop and she went to her first dance club!

Ellie has, what they call, Asian flush. If she drinks, she limits it to one. Her tolerance is low and her skin gets very flush.