Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Marge had to go to the vet!

Yikes, I butchered my cat!

Poor Marge is too large to clean herself properly. She can only reach about halfway down her body to clean herself.  Her fur around her tail was getting matted and her glands under her tail were swollen. She smelled horrible! I tried to brush out her matts, but it hurt her.  I tried to cut them out, but accidently cut her skin. Then I tried to shave her with an electric razor. (OMG, never try that unless a cat is sedated.) I tried bathing her and even cleaning her with a warm cloth. I looked up cat groomers in the area, but there are none! 

Finally I took her to the vet. She was a mess! They had to sedate her to bathe her, shave her matted hair clumps, shave her hind end, and express her glands. (TMI, I know!!!) $400.00 later, she's like a vibrant, youthful cat again! She doesn't walk around hunched over anymore! She can jump up on my bed or the couch, and she follows me and lays at my feet everywhere I go and purrrrrr's! Her way of saying, thank you mommy!

Since Marge only eats 1/2 cup of cat food a day and doesn't eat from the table, the vet thinks her problem is lack of exercise. He said, most cats don't just lay around unless they have arthritis, but you can't give a cat arthritis medicine like you do a dog. We're gonna start brushing her everyday and trying to get her to exercise. He suggested taking her for walks with a harness or putting her on a treadmill. Marge said, Nope! So I guess we'll just try to get her to chase yarn. She actually likes to chase our earphones, but she tears them up, so we're gonna use an old pair for her to chase.

Jeannie, Jay, and Jon built this plant box/trellis for a privacy screen from their neighbors!

I thought this was very clever! It's hard to see, but their are steel vertical rods attached to the plant box for they can plant some kind of ivey or crawling plant as a buffer between them and their neighbors! Can't wait to see what they plant!

I think with all of us quarantined in our homes with our family's we are enjoying the slower pace of life and spending more quality time together playing games, doing creative projects, cooking, taking walks, playing tennis, going on golf cart rides together... It's kind of nice to slow down! I rarely ever watch TV, but lately, Keith and I have caught up on some Netflix series that we've been hearing about!

Emma helped me cover my dining room chairs that Marge shredded with her claws!

Emma in her cow onesy, trying to unscrew the cushion.

While the girls are banned from school for the Corona Virus, they are doing online school. As their "homeschool teacher", I decided to do a few home economic projects like, teaching them to cook, clean, pull weeds, cover chairs, clean out closets... And for P.E., they have to play tennis with me, lol! They probably can't wait to get back to school!

COVID 19 Symptoms compared to common cold, flu, and allergies.

At first I thought the Corona virus was just an overreaction caused by the media. But this has quickly become a worldwide pandemic. We are living in scary times. Our great grandchildren will be reading about this in their history books someday and we will have stories to tell...

People are saying with all of us quarantined in our homes, we are likely to see another baby boomer generation in the next 9 months...

Saturday, March 21, 2020

This is one of my favorite recipe's from Cheddar's restuarant. Unfortunately, they closed...

Tonight Emma helped me cook dinner. Last night, Ellie helped me cook dinner. Last night we had shrimp and kielbasa gumbo. I'm not hating this social distancing time. I'm kind of enjoying the slower pace of life and taking advantage of what we did when we were kids. We spent time with family...

We've played tennis together, played games together, watched TV together, cooked meals together, pulled weeds together... tomorrow we're cleaning out closets together!!!

Today the girls pulled weeds while I ran errands. They complained about it before I left, but were closer than ever when I got home. Lol, yep, I remember those days of bonding with my sisters over hating my mom for making us do chores!!! Wise woman... she knew exactly what she was doing!!!

Yep, our neighborhood is getting pretty creative about our adult socials... Chairs are 6 feet apart!!!

Alex and Erika are still keeping Jittery Joe's alive...

Monday, March 16, 2020

Jeannie, Jay, and Jon - Spring Break in Peridido Key (the lost island between Pensacola, FL and Orange Beach, AL)

This is Jon and his friend. Cousin Billy told them about the great fishing on this island!

Ya ain't nothin' but 2 hound dogs, cryin' all the time!!!

This annoying duo love to come in my yard in the morning and wake me up at the crack of dawn. They also chase my cat... and poor large, Marge can't climb trees anymore... or for that matter run very fast.

Self quarantine day 2. Hmmm, what to do, what to do...

Oh, I know, let's try Leslie's Amazing Margarita recipe!!!

My friend, Sam in Nebraska decided to have a Pandemic Party! They must be group quarenteening, lol!

This is Casen, one of my students!

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Poppy passing time painting while Jeannie, Jay, and Jon are on Spring Break this week!

This week Jeannie, Jay, and Jon are out of town. Sunday Natalie, Dawn, and Brandy took Poppy to get a pedi, then Dawn set him up with some paint and an easel. He calls this, "Baby Bear". Lol, can you spot the little black bear??? Then Dawn and Brandy, and Nat and her crew brought dinner over to eat with Poppy...

Friday, March 13, 2020

LOL, If women ruled the world!!!

Emma gave haunted ghost tours tonight at Eagle Tavern to earn extra credit for a class.

Keith, me, and Ellie went to watch Emma give her Eagle Tavern Tour, then we all went to "The Pub on Main" for dinner and sat outside on their.  It was a beautiful night; the weather was perfect.  Emma did an amazing job giving her tour and we enjoyed a great family night!!!