Sunday, February 17, 2019

Ellie drew this freehand with a pencil for her art project.

She used her finger to smear lines. It looks so realistic! I can't believe how she captured the reflections of light in the eye and the subtle tear spilling over...

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Emma's poems for the writing contest...

The Present
We say that we’re here
But are we really here?
We think about the past, moping
We think about the future, hoping
We mope about what we could have changed, instead of being here
We hope about what we want to accomplish, instead of being here
We say that we’re here
But are we really here?
As our minds ponder, time fades away
We mope and hope away the day
“We’re here all day every day”
Well, that’s what they all say…

Feeling my chest pound
As I drown out all the sound
Palms sweating, vision blurring
All my emotions stirring
Scanning the room, hoping to leave
Feeling like my body was going to drop
I knew soon that it would eventually stop...

Monday, February 11, 2019

If you feed them, they will come...

We put corn out the other day and Keith saw 6 deer feeding on it this morning. When I got home from my run in the afternoon, I saw a big deer laying in the back yard. He got up and ate some corn and then went to lay back down. The girls saw 4 baby fawns this evening eating the corn:)))

Friday, February 1, 2019

Had HOA meeting tonight...

I think we got the OK to put up tennis court lights on our neighborhood courts... This battle has been long fought, but totally worth it!!!

We pulled off Stacey Venker's surprise party!!!

We got the sports writer for the Oconee Enterprise, Jeremy, to cover the story. Afterwards, he said he would like to do a magazine article on Stacey and her tennis program next month! Also, we invited Lisa, the director of Oconee Parks and Recreation, the one who renew's Stacey's contract every 3 years... She was impressed by the turnout and the lives that Stacey has changed through her tennis program "Tennis For Life". She has not only built an outstanding tennis program, but she has built a tennis family in the Clark and Oconnee Counties!!!

Emma's boys' basketball team won the playoffs and will play for the championship on Friday night!!!

Made a yummy dinner last night...

Cooked some pasta alfredo and then saute'd some chicken with fresh brussle sprouts and broccoli! Girls loved it!!! Keith was out of town, so he missed out on this dinner..

Ellie's art project!

She drew this freehand and then cut it out in on a purple paper and took the negatives and pasted them to white paper!

Emma had tons of homework and a project as well! She had to make a hand that picked up a cup and a string!

Ellie and Sirapat's mousetrap car project... finially working!

This project is something they have worked on for several weeks. They've had to tweak it over and over again and write a long report on it!