My dad is on the left! My girls said, OMG, Poppy looks like a combination of Justin Timberlake and Chris Pine! (Dad, that is quite a compliment!!!) Pretty sure you would be the most handsome of the today's leading men!

Emma said, this is my favorite!!! So cool!

Then I told them this is my mom/gramma!!! They said, Wow, she's so gorgeous! She looks a lot like you mom! (Biggest compliment ever!!!) My parents both had the looks of movie stars, but they were down to earth angels!!! How blessed could a child be!!! My mom has always been, in my eyes, the most gorgeous woman and dad the most handsome man!!! Just look at them... Maybe because I know their insides, they are just a little more beautiful, but I don't know? Either way, I know I am beyond blessed!!!